Magical Memory
On our most recent trip to WDW, Allison suddenly decided that her FAVORITE character was now Pluto. Our vacation became a quest to find Pluto and get great pictures of the two of them! We also tried to find "souvenirs" that were Pluto-themed. I had her search high and low for her favorite thing to buy, and had her wait a few days, just to be sure of what she wanted. Needless to say, we came home with a plush Pluto who is in the rotation of sleeping with her at night (she alternates her "friends" every few nights). We did find during our trip, though, that there is not a whole lot of "stuff" with just Pluto on it. Allison is an avid snowglobe collector, and was hoping to find a Pluto snowglobe, but sadly, we weren't able to find one we loved. I did find one at a local store during the holidays, though, and surprised her with it at Christmas, along with a montage picture of her with Pluto! She can't wait to go back to WDW and see her new best friend!
--Written by Missy Smith, Disney Specialist at 3D Travel Company
I love this! When my brother was just a little more than a toddler, my mom had the TALK with him about the characters at Disney before we went. After swimming with Pluto at the Contemporary he told her, "Mom, you might be right about those other guys, but Pluto is REAL! I felt his tail." Still one of my favorite stories. :0)