Monday, November 29, 2010

Magical Memory
Time for another great Magical Memory Monday!  This week, I'm going to focus a bit more on the Aspie side of things.  As you know, our 13 year old, Sarah, has Asperger's Syndrome.  Because of this, she has a tendency to think like a younger child at times...not a bad's just the way she is.  Not all Aspie's are like this...just like typically-developing kids, they're all a little different.  Anyways, on the last full day of our trip, Sarah had something special she especially wanted to do--she wanted to see the new Playhouse Disney Live at Disney's Hollywood Studios!  It's not often that Sarah specifically tells us something she wants to do while we're at Disney, so if she wanted to do this, by golly, we were going to do it!  When we arrived, there were still a few minutes until the next show; lo, and behold, Handy Manny was nearby for pictures and autographs!  Handy Manny is one of Sarah's FAVORITE Disney characters!  So, off we went to take her picture with Handy Manny!

Then, it was off to Playhouse Disney!  As you can see, Sarah was very excited about finally getting to see her show (she had waited a long time to do this!) 

Allison, on the other hand, was PRAYING that no one she knew would find out that she went to Playhouse Disney Live!  After all, she is 9!
 Secretly, we think she enjoyed the show, too, but we won't tell her friends at school!  Shhh!

I know the days of even Sarah enjoying Playhouse Disney Live and of either of our girls "liking" the attractions geared for younger kids are probably coming to an end soon.  My girls are growing up, like they should, but it is still tough for a mommy to see her girls getting "too big" for some of the attractions.   This day will definitely hold a special place in my heart...just one more of my Magical Memories to cherish for a lifetime!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Magical Memory Monday!

Magical Memory

Dinner at Spirit of Aloha

Breakfast at Cinderella Castle
This past September, my girls and I made some truly Magical Memories!  We spent a week at Disney World with their Grandmommy, my mom.  My mom has wanted to take a vacation at Disney World for a long time, but my dad wasn't really into a Disney vacation.  Alan has gone to Disney with us every time, but he's not as keen on a long Disney vacation as the girls and I are.  Solution?  Take Grandmommy with us for a week, and then Alan would join us for the second week!  I was SO excited to call her and ask her if she'd like to join me and the girls for a week at Disney World, but nearly as excited as she was to get the call from me!  She took a couple of days to discuss it with my dad, and then called me back and said it was a go!  We met her at MCO (the airport in Orlando)...I was crying before we even saw her waiting for us...I couldn't believe all the memories my girls were going to get to make with their Grandma this week (and vice-versa).  I had planned an awesome trip for us (ok, really for her!), complete with visits to each park, character meals (including breakfast at Cinderella Castle), other intriguing dining experiences, and a stay at the beautiful Beach Club!  My mother spent the week with us trying attractions she never would have imagined going on, which amazed was a great time of her learning to trust me that I would not take her on anything frightening or let anything bad happen to her.  Did she try everything?  Nope, but I wasn't expecting her to.  But she tried things she never thought she would, and enjoyed most of them!  She was able to repay me when Sarah got sick one day.  My mother was there for me, offering a shoulder for me to cry on when I was afraid we would all end up sick.  Fortunately, it was a one-day thing, and no one else ever got sick!  We had a fabulous time together that week!  Are we going to do it again?  You bet!  We're already making plans for next year's trip!

Goofing off at Cape May
Mom's first character interaction of the trip!
♥ Allison and Grandmommy at Minnie's House ♥

Monday, November 1, 2010

Magical Memory Monday--Nov. 1, 2010

Magical Memory
It's Magical Memory Monday again!!!  I hope you enjoyed watching my family's Magical Memories...I know I enjoyed reminiscing about them!  Well, I can't post Sarah's first Disney video without also posting Allison's first Disney video--we wouldn't want her feelings to be hurt--so, today's Magical Memory is her video!  This one is a little different than last week's, but I hope you enjoy it just as much. Here is Allison's Disney Video, courtesy of Alan!  Let me know what you think...  Hope everyone has a Magical Day!